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I could blog about a lot of things today. I could blog about my frustration with the rhetoric used by the radical right to polarize discussion in this nation. I could blog about Joe Wilson’s rudeness. I could blog about the fear-mongering and hysteria of said radical right. I could blog about how I’m still annoyed by the whole Barack Obama speech hullaballoo. But instead, I think I will sit back and let this group of people speak for themselves. Nothing I could write could be better or more telling than seeing their opinions, plainly stated in their own language. So I’m going to give them a platform to talk about themselves and their viewpoints. Lets see what they have to say:

Click on the slideshow icon on the right.

I gave some big ups to Josh at Herbivore the other day, regarding how awesome he and his wife Michelle are and all the positive things they do for veganism and for animals. I am always struck by their commitment to the movement, it is very humbling and inspiring at the same time. But today I want to maybe darken up that sunshine with a cloud for a little while in order to make it seem all the brighter once that cloud has, uh, evaporated, or whatever happens to clouds when they go away.

A few years ago Josh was pretty viciously screwed out of thousands of dollars and many, many hours of work by a money-hungry cookbook author who I will not name here.* This person found another publisher (but far worse designer, given the cover of her book– ah, schadenfreude) and so good for her! She lost nothing and gained everything at the expense of people who work every day to make the world a better place. Fantastic!

But here’s the thing– because of her very selfish actions and profound misunderstanding of the way the publishing industry works, Josh had to eat all of the costs of the layouts and the cost of pulling out of the printing contract at the last minute, and additionally he had to foot the bill for all the promotional costs (he had printed up really cute flyers and had been giving them out at vegan/vegetarian festivals around the country before all this). Because Josh is ethical and does the right thing he also promptly refunded all the pre-orders for the book, and that’s kind of a big thing for a small business owner. So that’s why I’m encouraging everyone to buy something from Joshivore on September 16th, the date of the “official” release of this other cookbook.

What’s done is done. I just think it would be great for people who care about independent publishers, small business ethics, and punk rock trust to support Herbivore Clothing Company. I will most likely be buying a t-shirt because I am frivolous and there is a new one with a little girl and butterflies on it. YES!

If you know a vegan or vegetarian do your holiday shopping early! Buy a birthday present! It will be awesome.

*If you care about not purchasing a cookbook written by an unethical, un-nice person who doesn’t deserve your dollars then message me and I will tell you the title so she doesn’t get anything else free, not publicity or advertising or anything.

Penelope has been sick. I guess she’s been sick for a while and I didn’t realize. She’s lost two pounds in about a month and isn’t eating well. Her liver enzymes are elevated and the vet doesn’t know why so Tuesday we are going to get her an ultrasound to see if we can determine what is up on her insides.

Today was better. She ate nearly a whole can of tuna and drank a lot of the tuna-water after a few days of only nibbling at her proper cat food, so good for her! Her eyes are brighter.

We are taking it one day at a time. I love her very much and so I am worried, but hopefully things will get better for her. I think the tunafish stimulated her appetite– she used to love drinking the tuna water when I used to eat fish, and she went the hungry cat equivalent of blood simple when she smelled it.

Poor Pod. She’s so grand.

I have apparently lost my beloved, much written-in copy of Ovid’s Metamorphoses. It was only a paperback, with the cheesiest cover (pre-Raphaelites FTW), but it had three semesters worth of notes that I used to teach with at FSU, as well as personal commentary on some of my favorite sections. I used that copy to research for my previous project as well as my current one, and I am pretty unhappy. I have another translation for quick reference, but I don’t like it as much. Humphries is such a vivid, gentle translator. He gives back Ovid’s humor without sounding brash or cheeky or overly modern, and is poet enough to capture Ovid’s pathos without sounding maudlin or overly melodramatic. Here’s hoping it turns up.

Read Humphries here, as I am doing (until the old copy shows up or I break down and buy a new one).

OK, so maybe I’ve been a little negative about veganism as of late. It’s hard sometimes to stay positive when the most vocal organization that represents one’s movement of choice seems to be entirely run by shit-smeared assholes, and the world at large is such a hostile place for creatures who simply cannot advocate for themselves, but there I go again.

BUT! There are plenty of people out there making the world a better place. I hope one day I can do as much as these awesome folks, but until I get more settled, that’s only a dream (but one day, I swear, I will open my vegan public house, and the beer and spirits will flow as people chow down on sandwiches and other cruelty-free fare). Therefore, instead of focusing on the bad stuff, here’s some of the good. Many thanks to these folks and everything they do.

First, I have to give big ups to the Post Punk Kitchen, the forums, and the recipe archive, and the brilliant founders, Isa and Terry. These forums helped me go vegan more than anything else on the internet, and without the support there, I might not have made it. While other vegan message boards frightened me with intense, angry debates over seeing eye dogs and whether one should boycott the Lord of the Rings movies because they used real horses instead of CGI ones, as well as making me feel daunted by the “sacrifice” of veganism (newsflash: it’s totally easy to be vegan, actually) the folks over at the PPK were teaching me how to make tofu scramble that cured me of my deep-rooted love of eggs and supporting me when I published my first-ever published article (about vegetarianism in children’s books) in Herbivore.

Next up it’s Cosmo’s Vegan Shoppe. The owners Ken and Leigh are super-nice and every Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, birthday, and other sort of event I order people chocolates and soap and all sorts of goodies from them. They also carry Teese, the holy grail of vegan cheese, esp. the nacho sauce.

Herbivore Clothing Company is run by the wonderful Josh and Michelle, and I really want both the Save a Horse, Ride a Vegan shirt and the brand new super-cute Compassion is Invincible tee, two sentiments I heartily agree with.

In terms of people who do work every day to directly benefit animals in need, Farm Sanctuary has received my praise (and my donations) for many a year. Our very first vegan Thanksgiving John and I adopted a turkey from them to symbolize our new commitment and I am kind of sad that I haven’t yet told them where I live now so they will send me address labels and also tons of color leaflets detailing all the adorable piglets and lambs that need my dollars RIGHT NOW. Actually those are really heartbreaking so maybe that’s for the best. Anyway, they rule. Check out the Rescue and Adoption stories if you want to cry a lot. Although I don’t know as much about Peaceful Prairie but they seem wonderful, as well. I am intending to visit them soon and also attend the benefit for them catered by Chef Matt over at Sun Deli and Liquor (not a hardship, since Chef Matt is my current culinary hero).

That’s about all I have time for today, but I will do more of this in the future. Next up I plan to do a roundup of cookbooks that every vegan, or everyone who wants to do the earth and the animals a favor by cooking vegan once in a while, should own!

Yesterday I wasted a lot of my time writing an incomprehensibly rambling screed on why PeTA pissed me off recently (the whole debacle over PeTA’s really stupid “Save the Whales” campaign, and their later non-apology for it). It regarded PeTA’s claim that going “vegetarian” would automatically cause you to lose weight and how that was simply bad science. But, to be fair, it also regarded how members of the fat-positive movement (many members of which blogged and protested the billboard, some directly to Ingrid Newkirk herself) were also cherry-picking the studies they liked in order to justify their own claims about health and weight, and how that was not OK either. I concluded with some more rambling about how body-positive doesn’t equal fat-positive necessarily, and how I wasn’t a jerk for calling out the fat-positive movement. Awesome!

N-E-WAYZ I think I’ll just post to Vegans Against PeTA, a great blog that should really make some stickers I could put on my bike.

Today I got all excited because I thought I found the perfect bike. . . and I tried it out and everything but then in real riding conditions it turns out I hate the shifting system more than just about anything. It’s all crazy and weird and the shifting is really violent on the. . .uh. . . front shifters or something? Boo. But the shop said they’d take it back and so tomorrow I am doing just that. I am maybe a little heartbroken, but that’s OK. My bike is fine, just kind of slow, and I will wait until the right bike comes along for me. Boo.


Well, my Tallahassee dawgg Trevor who knows bikes like woah called me back and talked to me about the bike for about 40 minutes, and reassured me that some of the difficulties I was having were purely learning-curve related, and that he thought the model I bought was actually really awesome for the kind of riding I want to do around Boulder. So I went in this morning and talked to the dudes over at Full Cycle and they helped me out a lot in terms of understanding why my bike acts like it does, and said the gears and stuff (professional bike terminology) were working fine. So I’m keeping it, and I’m pretty pleased now that I’m getting more used to it. The wrist shifters aren’t so bad, and the dude at the bike shop showed me how they’re actually really cool because I can custom-adjust them for different riding conditions. Also, if I end up hating it, I can apparently replace the click shift with some other kind, but I don’t think I’ll need to. It’s really so, so pretty, and it’s only going to get better since I’m modding it with some really silly sweet-looking silver fenders as soon as they come in. I already put a seat-leash on it, and so when my new messenger bag arrives from Timbuk2 and my back stops hurting all the fucking time from my ginormous stupid backpack I’ll be really riding in style.

File this post under Lessons Not Learned and Coming Late to the Game, but oh well. I’ll eschew language such as “misogynistic butthole” this time, and keep my critiques at least somewhat serious from the get-go.

NOTE: see the original post here.

NOTE II: If you plan on reading John C. Wright’s Chronicles of Chaos trilogy, this post contains spoilers, as the kids say.

It seems that internet-savvy fantasy fans were understandably concerned by author John C. Wright’s, ah, troubling LiveJournal post of 7/29/09 (the author claims 800 comments were made on his LJ during the fervor, but they were deleted before the actual post itself was deleted). Given everything with my move to Boulder, and my general ignorance of the modern age (authors have blogs, you say? How fascinating!) I just yesterday found out about the whole hullaballoo via my friend Jesse, who alerted me to the controversy by saying something along the lines of “hey, check this out– isn’t this the guy who wrote that YA book with the spanking that you thought was pretty alright?” So yeah.

I am somewhat ambivalent about commenting on Mr. Wright’s post at all, given that the entire internet has already, and the blog entry in question smells strongly of attention-seeking (as well as some other, stronger scents), and also he has kind of maybe apologized maybe? But though I am potentially doing nothing but giving Mr. Wright exactly what he wants, I am going to take some time to say a few things on the subject of his rant about the SciFi channel’s decision to be more inclusive in their representation of human sexuality. I know that if Mr. Wright has Google Alerts set up for himself (and chooses to read this), he wouldn’t mind me commenting on his work. Given that I bought and I read Mr. Wright’s uneven Chronicles of Chaos trilogy and, since that Mr. Wright once referred to Atlas Shrugged as “really good,” and “a story written for readers who think as well as feel,” and infused the entire Chronicles of Chaos trilogy with Objectivist sentiment, I assume that, as a paying consumer, he would feel that I have a right to engage with my purchase on a critical level. Now, given his 2008 conversion to Catholicism, whether or not Mr. Wright is still an Objectivist is not clear to me, but that’s not really where I want to go with this post anyway. Everyone who knows me knows that if I get on the subject of Objectivism. . . well never mind. Better to stop here.

Moving right along, let’s get started with a sample of the rhetoric from Mr. Wright’s free-speech-protected-but-voluntarily-removed post:

“The head of Sci-Fi channel has contritely promised to include more homosex in future shows, and to do it nonchalantly, just as if this abomination is normal and natural and worthy of no comment.”


“I’d like someone, anyone, to explain to me how my culture reached a position where a public entertainment company can be criticized for failing to contribute to the moral decay of the land, and that the criticism would be taken seriously, and the company would cringe and promise to do better.”

and finally, my fave:

“Why are you willing to tolerate sexual perversion but not racism? In a world with no standards, what makes a malfunction of love higher on your standard than a malfunction of hate? Is an irrational lust and longing to mimic the mating act with a sex with which one cannot mate, at its root, any more or less disconnected to reality than an irrational fear and hatred of a Negro? How do we know race-hate is not genetic? Look at how scorned and put-upon racists are! Can we spare them no cheap Leftist pity? Why don’t we simply call racism an alternate anti-ethnic orientation, similar to hetero-toleration, but different?”

Obviously, all of these statements are simply moral grandstanding and inflammatory polemic, more annoying than offensive and pointless to get mad about. And, to be fair, he did back down from some of that sort of language. That said, even bothering to type things like “moral decay”, “malfunction of love” and “abomination” are not the sorts of things people say when they are seeking to debate rationally with the “other side” (though Malfunction of Love would be a truly great album title if it isn’t already– the album art should have a robot sitting dejectedly in a henhouse, in my opinion).

My point in listing all of these things is not to talk about whether or not Mr. Wright is homophobic, or whether his alleged olive-branch-extending in subsequent posts makes all those statements okay (in fact, I do not think it does, given that, in his own words, after seeking to be more “temperate” in his language toward the gay community, Mr. Wright had this to say: “homosexuality is a sexual perversion, like incest, like any other disordered intemperate appetite– but a person afflicted with this (the man, not the sin) temptation leads a hard life, and it is not my place to make his life harder by using hard words against him.” How sweet.) Rather, my point is to address the fact that the language of his original post is, rather, the kind of stuff people say for one of two reasons. The first is when they are trying to goad people into anger. The second–as I suspect is the case here–is to allow people to gain credibility among their own after being an “outsider” as Mr. Wright was until so very recently. All this aside, here is the heart of what struck me as fascinating in Mr. Wright’s post:

“I am hoping, of course, that future shows will also portray sadomasochism and bondage in a positive light — we are all looking forward to FLASH GORDON’S TRIP TO GOR, I hope. Love affairs with corpses, small children, and farm animals will also be on display in a natural nonchalant fashion in the new raft of progressive shows, titles such as I DREAM OF STINKY, PEDERASTY JUNCTION, and OLD MACDONALD HAD A SHEEP — but no Mormons, whose moral standing we all abhor. The only good thing about Mormons, as we all know, is their polygamy. That we can approve of. Anything that offends the Patriarchy, we like. Evil is our good.”

Backing well away from the end of that paragraph, I instead seek to bring all eyes to the first clause of the first sentence: “I am hoping, of course, that future shows will also portray sadomasochism and bondage in a positive light.”

This statement wouldn’t be unusual in most rants of this sort, except for the fact that Mr. Wright has himself penned a novel that portrays aspects of BDSM “in a positive light.” Or a least in a pretty hot light (perhaps it was written during a time when Mr. Wright considered himself to be a “card-carrying sexual libertarian,” a traumatizing image given most of the libertarians I’ve known). For those of you not familiar with the Chaos series, they are based on the (genuinely) neat premise of a war among the Greek gods after Zeus dies, since the Aegis-Bearer leaves no clear heir. They are, in my opinion of the classic “great idea, poor execution” syndrome, but that’s okay. During the novels five kids– four Titan-born, one human– are caught in the balance of powers that be, held hostage in perpetual, amnesiac childhood at a British prep school run by minor deities and other figures from Greek mythology. And in the first one, at least, Mr. Wright deliberately addresses the fact that teenagers– especially cooped-up teenagers– often have to deal with strong sexual feelings, something that other such books (I’m looking at you, Ms. Rowling) fail to realistically discuss.

Now, Mr. Wright has said several times that most of his books were written before his conversion to Catholicism in order to, I suspect, excuse the sexual content of them in light of his new moral views. See, the first book in his Chaos trilogy, Orphans of Chaos (which I thought was a decent read–the second two, not so much), incorporates several BDSM-friendly scenes into what is, by all accounts, a young adult novel.

I came to Orphans not expecting BDSM-tinged writing. I came to Orphans after seeing the cover of the third in the series– a levitating girl in a plaid skirt and an aviator cap, yes please– and the knowledge that it was deeply steeped in Greek myths and legends which are, ah, vaguely of interest to me. Reading Orphans, however, I was surprised by a few things, but most of all by two scenes that jumped out as being different, interesting, and probably exciting and potentially normalizing for BDSM-inclined teens and adults. In the first, the female main character is convinced by her friend to hike up her school-girl’s skirt and provocatively arrange her blouse in order to serve a group of males, and finds the experience of servitude to be uncomfortable, but still appealing. Afterwards, she is bound by an aggressive boy who secures her with a miniature reproduction of the Gordian knot, and sexually menaced until another character comes along and diffuses the situation. Later in the book, the same character is disciplined by her headmaster with a spanking, in which she is not only, if I recall correctly, placed OTK (look it up) and repeatedly smacked on the bottom by an older male, but she is also forced to count the spanks out loud.

Yeah, it was pretty alright.

I want to attempt to bring together this whole post with a digression. Sometimes (not all the time, of course), when vegetarians or vegans abandon their dietary ethics and return to the omnivorous fold, so to speak, they overcompensate. They make youtube videos fetishizing ham, or write magazine articles about experiencing the raptures of eating dog meat, or post opinion pieces in their local paper about the benefits of ethical omnivorism, claiming vague things like “as a vegan, I just felt sick all the time” or “my doctor said I needed to eat fish protein to be healthy” or whatever (these are all things I’ve seen on the internet, by the way, I’m just too lazy to find the links). Anywho, they turn their move away from vegetarianism into some kind of public service, loudly proclaiming to the world that they know now that they were wrong, wrong, wrong, and please forgive them for their errant ways. They’ll rhapsodize about all kinds of meats– they’re just so tasty!–all so that they can once again be accepted by their peers and not looked at askance for once being part of something fringe, because they’re all better now. The tables have been turned, and they’ve been cured by bacon. They have to make sure everyone understands that they’re no longer “weird” and have, you know, grown out of all of that stuff.

I see this same posturing in Mr. Wright’s post about the oh-so-terrible notion that the Sci Fi channel might, sometime, somehow portray bondage in a positive light– whether or not he was, you know, totally kidding, or not. During the scenes I noted above, Orphans reads as just as much an “insider” text as Anne Rice’s Beauty trilogy (though I suspect Mr. Wright Topped during any spanky-panky that he might have engaged in during the before time, in the long long ago), but now that he can comment from a position of moral correctness, he has to turn a full 180 degrees and declare any and all such acts to be Too Too Terrible and Oh So Wrong– on par with “homosex” even! I wonder if he considers consensual BDSM play as the actions of “persons with serious sexual-psychological malfunctions?” Because it’s pretty easy to spot writing intended to be genuinely erotic when it’s penned by people without at least a healthy interest in the practices they describe, and Orphans. . . well, it seemed pretty honest to me, and I read a good deal of smut. Mr. Wright did indeed write of himself in a more-recent, still-available blog post, that “[his] own humiliating experience with fighting temptation warns [him] that human beings are not made of stern stuff” so maybe it’s just that he’s a switch now?

Even if we disregard the disturbing nastiness toward the gay community, the BDSM comment makes it very much seem like Mr. Wright needed to prove something when he wrote that post. In order to gain acceptance where he now desires it so much, he just had to get in the jab at all those terrible people with their paddles and ropes and collars and restraints (buy yours cruelty-free from Vegan Erotica!) and their private goings-on. Why? Because he’s certainly not one of them. He knows better. And thus, he can tell us all just how degenerate such things are, and, you know, Wrong.

Nah. It seems that, if I may hazard a guess, it’s still too painful for Mr. Wright to consider anything so BDSM-friendly as turning the other cheek. . .

But hey, let’s talk about something more important. Sci Fi Channel? If you guys wanted to change your name back from the utterly loathsome “SyFy” handle you just rolled out, and also make Flash Gordon’s Trip to Gor, you’d have at least one viewer. Actually, if you could make it Barbarella’s Trip to Gor, it would probably be even better. Maybe you could get Rose McGowan after she finishes filming Red Sonja? Make it, but don’t send an advance copy to Mr. Wright. I think it might bother him. I heard he hasn’t skied in ages.

So I’m totally living in Boulder now, and it’s pretty awesome. I haven’t felt much like blogging as of late, just because it’s been crazy and stressful getting my house together and getting myself back on a schedule, but I think once things settle down this will be a really awesome place to spend at least a few years. On the most basic level there is an epic amount of vegan food here– some really delicious, some good, some kind of okay, but the sheer volume of restaurants is pretty neat. There is also incredible shopping here, but that’s not always a good thing, unless it’s cheap organic basil at the farmer’s market.

I’ve done more physical activity here in the past weeks and a half than I have in, uh, maybe the last year in Tallahasse. Walking and biking is infinitely more convenient than driving here, at least to do the stuff I like to do, and so days here have ended in some of the best sleep I’ve had in years. I don’t like comparing Boulder to Tallahassee- both towns have their merits– but there is just so much to do here. Days here (at least the ones not entirely devoted to unpacking or other apartment-related things) have consisted of things like walking or biking to a local coffee shop to write, then going to the farmer’s market to get incredible organic vegetables to make stuff for dinner, or cruising up to Rocky Mountain National Park to see elk and glaciers, or biking to an all-vegan fast food joint for “chicken” ranch sandwiches and chili cheese fries, or driving 18 miles to a local small town with fewer lights and a higher elevation to watch a 1 AM meteor shower. Jesus.

So yeah. It hasn’t all been super-awesome-funtime– in fact, I feel somewhat weird and lost and adrift in this town, but I think that is perhaps partially it being August and I’m not getting planners and notebooks to start another semester of school. I’ve actually decided to write full-time at least until World Fantasy Con, and that feels stranger than strange to me. But I want to at least try this for a while– I am working on a book, after all, whether or not it makes sense is yet to be established. We shall see. Eep! OK. So that’s what’s what.

I am feeling really weird and uncomfortable today. Since our new apartments are so much smaller, we are giving away a ton of our furniture, all of which I really liked. And our washing machine and dryer. I know this is a good thing, but I feel a little bit like I’m being forced into a weird new shape without really being ready or OK with it. We are keeping lots of nice things, like our tea chest, and the coffee table my parents mosaic-ed back in the 1970s, and the dresser I bought with one of my first paychecks from my first real job. . . but I just watched our nice TV stand, our coffee table, an end table the cats loved, and some other things drive away. John and I built that household aesthetic together, and. . . I dunno. That is definitely done now. None of the stuff we’re getting rid of are antiques but I liked them, and so I feel a little strange. I know they will be loved in their new homes, and that is good, but the part of me that likes stability and comfort and being around the same stuff is confused and feeling really unhappy right now. OK, I’m done whining now.