2024 round-up
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Welp, we’re surging toward the end of the year, so it’s time for…some End of Year Thoughts!
This year is ending better than it began, in spite of in spite of *waves hand at the world.* After all, it began with Toad passing away on the fifth of January—unexpected, but not entirely surprising given his age and lifestyle. Also unexpected: I abandoned the novel I’ve been working on for years instead of finishing it, which was not the plan for 2024, but I do think it’s for the best.
In the wake of stepping back from my previous project, I started on a new novel. I’m pleased to report it’s going great. I’m also pleased to report that I had a better writing year this year than I’ve had in a long, long time. I published two short stories, “Eight Wedding Rings from Unhappy Marriages” in the Sunday Morning Transport, and “Jirel and the Mirror of Truth” in New Edge Sword & Sorcery Magazine #3. This was meaningful for me, because the last story I had published was all the way back in 2022. Also in terms of writing, I wrote two novelettes and sold both of them, one a sapphic sword & sorcery psycho-epic to the fantasy magazine Beneath Ceaseless Skies; the other, “The Best in Basement Radio,” a non-speculative story to the crime anthology 120 Murders. Both of those will be out next year. I also sold my novella And Side By Side They Wander to Tordotcom, and that’ll be out in 2026. I have other irons in the fire, too, including some exciting audio stuff.
In terms of other professional accomplishments, I did another SFWA mentorship, which we both came away feeling was successful, and I was part of the jury for the final year of the Kitschie Awards. I’ll be doing more award reading next year, and I’m excited for that! I was invited back to Sycamore Hill, and that’s where I workshopped “The City of Tears,” the story I sold to BCS. I did some cons—ICFA, WorldCon, and the HP Lovecraft Film Festival, and was invited to collaborate with energy researchers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Colorado Springs on speculating about energy futures.
In terms of my “day job” I also had a good year, including receiving an award nomination as part of the team that worked on Orochi, by the late Kazuo Umezz.
In terms of non-professional stuff…I had a lot of things go wrong with my house this year, including an unwanted raccoon in my shed. So, that took up some mental space and dollars. But, I think my dwelling is in a better place, and so I am I. I made some positive health changes this year, in terms of my physical and mental health. I started journaling, which has been life-changing. Without a cat to need me, I traveled: I traveled to see people, I traveled for work, I traveled with my mom, I traveled with friends, I traveled by myself. I got into house plants and that’s been a lot of fun. I took an art class. I did go through a pretty serious period of depression, but kept working through it—I’m proud of that. And now that I’m largely on the other side of it, I think I understand myself a bit better, and have a better sense of what I need, who I am, and what I need to do for me.
I have high hopes for 2025, and have already been working on my goals. This year, I picked the word “RESTORE” as my theme word for my goals, and honestly…I do feel restored. Writing feels good again, and I feel better about myself than I have in a long time. Next year, I am using “PRESENCE” as my theme, and have goals that fit into three categories: Focus, Sustainability, and Awareness.
Things are hard right now, and it looks like they’re going to get harder before they get easier. Even so, I am committed to putting in the work so I can be as proud of myself in December 2025 as I am here in December 2024.
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