posted by molly under writing | permalink | | leave a comment | 2 comments
I think. . . well, perhaps, better I should say, I just realized that my main character is narrating the section of the novel I’m writing currently. Weird. I suppose that makes sense, as she’s a writer, but I think being aware of this will make things much easier for me as I go.
1:05 pm, 23 February 2010
Stuff like this is really interesting to me as someone who can’t write fiction! I thought for so long that writers knew exactly who was narrating, what exactly was going to happen, etc. before starting the writing process. It’s really cool how a work changes as it’s being written, taking on new directions, perspectives, and the like.
3:44 pm, 23 February 2010
It’s weird, with this section I’d been resisting having any POV characters other than the main one, and I couldn’t quite understand why I didn’t want to. Now I realize it’s because it is her sort of narrating in the third person . . . I guess. I mean, it was always her story (her story frames all the other ones, as well as being its own section) but I guess this was just sort of a realization that she’s been telling it. Which makes sense, as it’s incredibly biassed toward her, and I’ve been OK with that, but it just sort of occurred to me why it’s been biassed toward her.
I sound insane.