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Archive for March, 2009


i need to get back on those lolgreeks, and this is my reminder

i need to get back on those lolgreeks, and this is my reminder

My cohort in skulduggery Jesse just (and when I say just I mean four or five days ago) posted a nice blurb on the strange and stupid phenomenon of using “gay” as an adjective to describe things other than a person who is a homosexual. I know this is Old News but he and I have noticed it cropping up again after what I feel like was a few years of dormancy. Why? Why, people? It’s icky all around, and I’ve thought so no matter how many people assert to me such things as “well, “idiot” used to be a derogatory term for the mentally handicapped and now that’s OK” or “all the gay people I know say that, so it’s OK.” 

I first noticed it in college (no one ever, ever said it at my high school) and that was back in 2000. So as much as I can’t believe I’m posting about something so been there, done that, I can’t believe I still have to consider the topic. So there, world.